Xwave vehicles
Xwave vehicles


“This demonstration of credible wave technology comes at a time when there is a real prospect of a market support mechanism for marine energy, that taken together, will enable wave energy to make a significant contribution to the future Scottish and UK low carbon energy mix needed to meet our net zero obligations.” The focus is now on commissioning and the learning to be gained from the open water test campaign. “Against the backdrop of Covid 19 restrictions Mocean Energy and their subcontractors have completed build of the prototype. The product of five years of the WES programme and three phases of development for the Mocean technology that has seen the Blue X progress from concept, through wave tank testing and now to a scaled, real sea demonstrator. “This is a significant milestone for Mocean Energy and for WES. The machine was unveiled at a ceremony at Forth Port’s Rosyth Docks by WES Managing Director Tim Hurst who said: The manufacture and testing programme is supported by £3.3 million from Wave Energy Scotland (WES) through their Novel Wave Energy Converter programme. Next year, the wave pioneers plan to connect the device to a subsea battery which will be used to power a remotely operated autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). The 20-metre long, 38-tonne wave machine has been fabricated wholly in Scotland and will be deployed at the European Marine Energy Centre’s Scapa Flow test site for sea trials initially, and then later deployed at EMEC’s large scale Billia Croo test site this summer. Visit Energy today unveiled their Blue X wave energy prototype which will take to the seas in Orkney next month. The Company has divisions in automotive tuning, automotive diagnostics, and displays. PLX Devices Inc., headquartered in Sunnyvale, CA, is a premier supplier of innovative, cutting edge consumer electronics. Additional 3rd party apps are being added every day.


The XWave hardware is available to purchase today Septemand will start shipping in October 2010 at a retail price of $99.99 from The XWave Apps by PLX Devices will be free from iTunes and the Apple App Store and can be directly downloaded from your iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad device starting early October. Some of the applications that are being developed at the moment will allow you to play games by controlling objects with your mind, control the lights in your home or select the type of music through your iPod based on your mood. Whether it is relaxation, brain training, entertainment, games, social networking, sports, sleep, the possibilities are endless with the XWave hardware device. This allows app developers to add compelling hardware interfaces for any type of application.


is also offering 3rd party software developers the opportunity to design and develop apps through its Software Development Kit (SDK) program. This app will allow users to connect with each other through the music that stimulates their brainwaves.


Another app that is available for download from iTunes is XWave Tunes. Objectives include: having to levitate a ball for a certain amount of time, change a color based on the relaxation of your brain and training your brain to maximize its attention span. With the application you will have to go through different stages to control the function of your brain. The App allows you to become familiar with controlling objects with your mind and gives you an opportunity to train your brain to control its attention and meditation levels. The device comes bundled with the free XWave App. XWave senses the faintest electrical impulses transmitted through your skull to the surface of your forehead and converts these analog signals into digital signals. For years, this technology has been used by doctors to treat epilepsy and seizures in patients. technologies, for the first time brings an extra sensory dynamic never seen before at the consumer level. Paired with its apps, XWave allows you to control your mind and the world around it. The XWave™ is a small device worn over your head similar to any standard headphone device. today unveiled the XWave™, the world's first brainwave interface accessory for the iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad.


Check out the full press release below for the full list of information.

xwave vehicles

The app that you'll need to download will be made avaialable around the same time (in October), and it will be a free app. It won't start shipping until October of this year, though. The xWave headgear will cost you a cool $99, and you can buy it right now if you want. "With the development of 3rd party apps, the potential for innovation is limitless." "The human brain is the most powerful, complex thing in the universe, and for the first time, we're able to harness its amazing power and connect it to everyday technology," said Paul Lowchareonkul, Founder and CEO of PLX Devices Inc.

Xwave vehicles